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Things to consider while picking a wedding venue

Things to consider while picking a wedding venue

The venue selection should be the first step in your big day celebration because it demands you to consider a number of things before making a decision, and not to mention, venue booking takes up the majority of your cash. As a result, instead of leaving your venue choices to the last minute, attempt to reserve it as soon as possible to get the best prices.

Your wedding date, decor, and food are all dependent on the available space. Consider meaningful location (does it have enough space for your pre- and post-wedding ceremonies? ), as well as places and areas to which you have emotional ties, such as the greatest wedding venue in India or the most romantic destinations to tie the knot throughout the world. Keep these expert bits of advise in mind once you’ve narrowed down your options and are ready to visit our reception places.

First and foremost, choose a setting that is most comfortable for you and meets your requirements. Because covid is dynamic in nature, you will be the only one who suffers the consequences.

To avoid last-minute stress, make sure your celebration dates are set well in advance and that your guests are notified.

It is best to consider a central location if the majority of your friends and family are traveling. It will be inconvenient for you and your guests to travel for hours to a remote estate for a destination wedding or otherwise.

Exclude any place, however gorgeous, that doesn’t accommodate your headcount. Don’t gamble on RSVPs decreasing the ultimate number. It is never successful!

Inquire about any overlapping activities or other events at the property on your dates, since they may affect your party, and consider celebrating in shifts (Hotels tend to do this during wedding season due to high demand).

Make a list of things that aren’t negotiable! Avoid touring sites that don’t check those conditions, such as an outside space for a cocktail night or a poolside setting for a Haldi/Mehendi ceremony, because you might not like the outcome later (we are sure you do not want to let your fortune go in vain).

Never view more than three to four wedding locations in one day, according to our recommendations, as you may feel sensory overload and your decision-making will be hampered.

Inquire about the food services provided by the venue. Is it carried out on-site? If that’s the case, can you make changes to the menu? If not, are you free to hire anyone you choose or must you choose from a list of approved vendors? Examine the costs associated with outside catering. Make sure you don’t leave any gaps on your end.

Before you book, double-check! Before you sign the contract, make it a point to completely examine the budget of your chosen venue. Examine the payment and return policies to ensure there are no hidden expenses that will drive you over your limit in the future.